If you are in need of a batch scanner, but on a tight budget, consider Symbol PDT3100 personal data terminal.
These Symbol PDT3100 terminals are the most popular in the world. Symbol has sold millions of these reliable devices. Usually such terminals come with an operating system only. There is no scanning software installed on them whatsoever. By a contrast, we sell these terminals with easy-to-use software. The software is installed and fully pre-configured.
If you are dealing with tons of serial numbers or SKUs a day and having your hands full, these terminals could be a lifesaver for you.
The kit includes:
(1) One PDT3100 refurbished terminal.
(2) communication cradle with a charger
(3) AC/DC adapter
(4) PC download cable
(5) battery
(6) Scanning software (installed on a terminal)
(7) Data Transfer software for PC (on CD)
(8) PDT3100 manual (on CD)
(9) Scanning software manual (printed and CD)
(10) one-year warranty
(11) Latest Almyta Control System CD (for registered ACS users)
By buying a refurbished pre-configured kit, you are saving at least 50%.
Use it to scan your current inventory, inbound/outbound transactions, and inventory movements. Import scanned transactions to your Almyta Control System.
This kit is priced at $1075.
Contact us for more information: info@almyta.com
Quantities are limited.