In this lesson, we'll learn how to issue inventory against a Shipping Order.
1. Let's go to the Shipping Order Processing screen. To do this,
go to the Orders menu tab, Sales and Shipping group, Order Details:
2. On the Order Processing screen, click the Yellow Plus Sign button to create a new item.
Almyta creates a blank Shipping Order
and assigns it an ID.
Let's assume that we are still working with resistors, as in
lesson 4.
3. Populate all necessary fields on the Order Header tab. You do not have to
fill out all the fields. Fill out as many as you think you would fill out if you were
actually shipping resistors. The Bill To, Ship To, and Shipping Date fields would contain
very important information, but you might not need to
fill out Process Number or Attention.
Remember: The pencil icon next to a dropdown list field
takes you to a screen where you can enter the values that will be available to choose
from in that list. For example, the pencil icon next to the Bill To field takes you to
the Bill To/Ship To Address screen.
4. Now let's go to the Line Items tab:
5. Select the resistors Item from the Item Id dropdown list:
6. Enter the number of resistor units that you want to ship into the Ordered
field next to the Item Id field:
7. When you are ready to ship against the Order, click the Issue button:
8. An "Issuing against shipping order" screen appears. Click the "1. Load All" button
on this screen.
9. When you Load All, Almyta selects the location(s) it will pick the resistors
from. If you have the resistors in stock, you are now ready to Issue.
10. Click the "2. Issue" button:
This prints the Packing List
and completes the shipping process in Almyta.
In the next lesson, we will show how to resolve ambiguities and process short shipments.
Last updated on December 27, 2012