ACS/ABC Inventory Software - Useful Tips

Did you know that you could track inventory by serial number with a few clicks?

Go to the Inventory/Find Shipped or Consumed menu. Type in a serial (lot) number or just a fragment of it surrounded by asterisks and click the View All button. If the serial number was shipped to a client, consumed by a work order, or just written off, the screen with archived record will appear. Double-click the serial number to see the details.

The details screen will appear.

Double-click the Receiving Reference to see a corresponding purchase order or inbound appointment.

Double-click the Issuing Reference to see a corresponding sales order or work order.

If a serial number is still in stock, use Inventory/Locate and Move menu and search for serial number the same way.

More tips:

Configuring Datasheets, Changing Skin Color, Currency Rates Lookup, External Links,
Serial Number Tracking, Bulk-Moving Inventory, Multi-Level Price Table, Line Items Columns, Selling Poultry,
Supplier Catalog, Finding Items in the Lists, Warehouse Stock Transfers,
Returning Shipped or Consumed Inventory.


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